Can 1 Drink Again Be Good for You

Drink less

Cutting back on the alcohol can be a really constructive way to meliorate your wellness, boost your free energy, lose weight and relieve money.

Any reduction in the corporeality you drink every calendar week volition be beneficial – and with the correct assist, it'southward easier than yous recall.

We accept some simple tips and tools to assist you kickoff cutting downwards today. Let's do this!

Download the Drink Gratis Days app

Experience healthier, lose weight and save money past picking your days to go drink-gratuitous.

Ane simple way to cut downward is to take at least a few beverage-free days every calendar week, so choose yours and get practical support to stick with information technology.

With the app you tin:

  • update and track your drink-free days
  • become unproblematic and practical tips to help yous command your drinking
  • receive reminders when you need it most
  • gloat milestones when you reach your targets

Download the free Drink Free Days app on the App Store

Download the free Drink Free Days app on Google Play

Screens from the Drink Free Days app. Screen 1: "red, orange, green" rating for alcohol intake. Screen 2: a motivational message for achieving 5 drink-free days

Tips to help yous cut downwards on alcohol

You do not necessarily demand to go teetotal to experience the benefits of drinking less.

Even just setting and sticking to a few drinkable-free days a week, or swapping to lower-force drinks, are peachy steps in the correct direction.

Here are some practical things you can try to help you cut dorsum.

1. Have a game plan

Use the Drink Free Days app to set yourself a weekly unit target and stick to it. Only if i calendar week you do go over your limit, don't stop trying – adjacent week is a fresh start.

2. Switch from stronger stuff

Choose drinks that are lower in booze. Try lighter beers Рunder 4% ABV. As a rule of thumb, white and ros̩ wines are lower in forcefulness than reds. Or try swapping some or all of your drinks for no or depression-booze alternatives.

3. Stick with it!

It might take a bit of time to get used to the change from your usual choices, so if you notice a difference in gustation with lower-forcefulness drinks, exercise not surrender! There are then many options, it's probable in that location's one out at that place for you – and switching means you tin bask the health benefits of drinking less without losing your social life.

4. Shake upwards your social plans

Going for drinks is not the simply way to meet friends. You could lookout a movie, meet upward for breakfast, catch a coffee and go for a walk, get bowling, caput to the gym or sign upwardly for a class to do together, for instance.

5. Ready a booze budget

Sticking to a budgeted amount for booze can be a adept way to potable less. If you lot are going out, try taking only the exact cash, or set a spending alarm on your card.

vi. Write off the rounds

Being involved in rounds makes it easy to terminate upwardly drinking more than you lot meant. Endeavor to avoid them if you tin, and do non experience like you lot accept to say aye to a drinkable just because someone else is buying. There's always next time.

seven. But wine and dine

Waiting for your evening repast before you take a drink – and having your commencement only once you've started eating – is another simple style to assist you lot cut down.

viii. Beat out boredom

If a drink is a style you handle boredom or stress, try finding something else to practice instead. Exercise is a great stress reliever, and uncomplicated things like cleaning, a new hobby or DIY tin can be a good way to occupy heed and body.

Alcohol guidelines

It's recommended to drink no more than 14 units of alcohol a week, spread across 3 days or more. That'due south around 6 medium (175ml) glasses of wine, or 6 pints of iv% beer.

There's no completely safe level of drinking, but sticking within these guidelines lowers your hazard of harming your wellness. Try using Alcohol Change Britain'south unit calculator to piece of work out how many units you drink.

The benefits of drinking less

Yous too could experience the departure! Many people who reduce their alcohol intake notice benefits, which can include those below.

Short-term benefits:

  • feeling amend in the mornings
  • being less tired and more energetic
  • improve-looking skin
  • saving some money

Long-term benefits:

  • lower blood pressure
  • lower risk of stroke, hypertension, cancer and liver illness
  • lower cholesterol levels
  • ameliorate mood, retentivity and quality of sleep
  • help with weight management

Become active

Cutting back on the booze should improve how y'all experience and give you more than free energy – and regular physical action can help you feel even meliorate.

Cheque out our tools and tips on weaving do into your daily routine. Every infinitesimal of practice counts!

Medical alert

Get medical communication before you stop drinking if yous have concrete withdrawal symptoms (like shaking, sweating or feeling anxious until y'all have your first drink of the mean solar day). It can exist dangerous to stop drinking as well speedily without proper help.

There's lots of support out there. Find your local alcohol support service at present, or you can telephone call Drinkline on 0300 123 1110 for costless, confidential help for anyone who is concerned most their own or someone else'southward drinking.

Take care of your mind too

Your mental wellbeing is merely as of import as your physical health.

Answer 5 quick questions to become your complimentary mind plan from Every Listen Matters – including tips to help y'all bargain with stress and anxiety, improve your sleep, boost your mood and feel more in control.


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