Video games feature many characters that have become iconic in their own right. For the nigh part, some of the about recognizable video game characters around are known for their heroic attitude and amazing personalities, which brand them truly memorable. However, not all of them are known for their righteous morality, with some of these popular characters becoming famous mainly for their sleazy and villainous personalities.

Some famous video characters are known for existence con men who were duping the people around them for the longest time before their secrets were finally revealed. Keeping this in mind, hither are some of the worst and most hated con men to ever feature in video games.

x Tohru Adachi (Persona 4)

Main antagonist of persona 4 tohru adachi

Adachi seemed similar nothing more than than a bumbling detective early in Persona four. However, over the course of the game, something actually sinister is revealed about this character.

Nearly the end of the game, players realize that Adachi was the serial killer who was killing the residents of Inaba the whole time. Facing off against this villain is a blast though, and makes for i of the best parts of the game.

nine Lance Vance (Thousand Theft Auto: Vice City)

Lance Vance from Vice City

Rockstar Games honey to add together a ton of betrayal in their stories, and then readers shouldn't be too surprised if their games announced multiple times throughout this list. A great place to starting time would be Lance Vance's betrayal in Vice City.

For the longest fourth dimension, both Tommy Vercetti and Lance Vance piece of work hand-in-paw every bit they strive to rule the streets of Vice City. However, after becoming fast friends, Lance pulls a fast i on Tommy and reveals just how long he'd been conning his 'friend'.

eight Scott Shelby (Heavy Rain)

Scott Shelby in Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain'south Origami Killer is a sinister effigy who abducts Ethan'due south child and forces him to take role in a wild goose chase in which he has little selection but to follow the whims and fancies of this twisted serial killer. During the chase, his narrative too intertwines with three other characters that players can command in the game.

1 of these characters is Scott Shelby, who turns out to exist the Origami Killer when the end of the game finally rolls effectually. It'southward a great twist that makes the game's finale all the more impactful and resounding.

7 The Psychiatrist (Katana Zip)

The Psychiatrist in Katana ZERO

Katana ZERO is a hard yet satisfying game that is total of fashion and panache. Slicing and dicing through enemies every bit players go through the tough yet rewarding levels in the game is an absolute nail.

Katana Zip's story is surprisingly engaging and makes for the best part of the experience. The psychiatrist that players collaborate with throughout the game turns out to exist a rather despicable graphic symbol in his own right, and chirapsia him upwards in a hole-and-corner dominate encounter is a lot of fun.

6 Gary Smith (Bully)

Gary Smith Bully

Bully is one of Rockstar's greatest and most unique games. The high school setting is pretty engaging, with the main story and the sandbox also being a joy to explore.

Not bad follows Jimmy'due south journeying in Bullworth Academy, where he befriends Gary Smith every bit he strives to proceeds the approving of all the cliques in the school. All the same, Gary ends upward betraying Jimmy and forces the player to regain his reputation earlier defeating this double-crosser one time and for all.

5 Ryder & Large Smoke (Grand Theft Machine: San Andreas)


Thousand Theft Auto: San Andreas is considered by many to be one of the greatest video games of all time, and for expert reason. The game set up the standard for open-world gameplay, with its story and the massive world beingness an absolute blast.

The expose that players face in this game is absolutely iconic, with Ryder and Large Smoke revealed to be snitches who were destroying Grove Street Families from the inside. Getting one's hands on these two despicable characters and giving them the expiry they deserved is incredibly satisfying as a result.

4 Micah Bell (Cherry-red Expressionless Redemption 2)

Red Dead Redemption 2 Micah Bell pointing a gun

Carmine Dead Redemption 2 is another Rockstar game that makes this list due to the inclusion of one hated character. Dutch'southward gang had a ton of promise at ane point, but the poisonous presence of Micah Bong destroyed the gang for good.

Micah is among the most hated characters in the series, and getting the opportunity to shoot his brains out at the end of the game makes for an incredible finale. Information technology's but a shame that Arthur lost his life before he could run across this villain get the dishonorable death that he deserved.

3 Goro Akechi (Persona five)

Goro Akechi looking over his shoulder sternly in the Persona 5 anime

For the longest fourth dimension, Goro Akechi seemed like cipher more a charismatic detective who wanted to catch the Phantom Thieves, no matter what. Nonetheless, at that place was a more sinister side to him that was revealed later on in the story.

Information technology turned out that Akechi was the one invading other people'due south minds and causing them to go psychotic. Beating him down makes for one of the almost memorable boss fights in the entire series, although his fate is pretty sad given the tragedy that forced him down such a night path.

2 Harry Flynn (Uncharted ii: Among Thieves)

Harry Flynn from Uncharted 2

The Uncharted series features some truly amazing adventures that are a joy to play through. The second and fourth games are amazing highlights in this regard, with Amid Thieves still considered by many to be the best in the serial.

The fact that Harry Flynn was working confronting Drake the entire fourth dimension turned this jovial character into a detestable human being. It didn't help that Chloe didn't make upwards her mind for the longest time, which virtually led to Nathan's death.

1 Atlas/Frank Fontaine (BioShock)

Frank Fontaine from BioShock

BioShock is one of the greatest games ever fabricated, featuring a narrative that will go along players on the border of their seats right up till the very finish. At the middle of this title is Frank Fontaine, who moonlights as Atlas during the outset one-half of the game.

He uses Jack's trigger phrase to make him do his bidding, finally revealing his true identity after Jack kills Andrew Ryan and easily over the control of Rapture to him. The other half of the game deals with the thespian'south journey to become revenge and stop Frank Fontaine earlier his plan becomes a reality.

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